
August 20, 2011

Lunch with Alpine view

As I briefly mentioned yesterday evening I have been visiting a good friend in Switzerland, which I have known since university, so it is a time frame of 23 years !!!

While my friend had to spend her time at work, I went walking on a walking path with a wonderful view to the Alps, alpenpanorama weg nationale route 3, I only walked a small distance between Grosshöchstetten and Konolfingen.

I has planned to eat my lunch at the local inn/pub in Grosshöchstetten, but it was closed !!!!! So I had to trade in my pub lunch with this wonderful lunch view of the Alps. I assume you would have done the same thing :-)

So I had to come up with a plan B, B for baker. I located a baker, which was open and not closed for lunch. And here I brought two buns, one with salami and one with fresh cheese containing herbs.

I also brought a mega slice of a fruit pie with raspberries. You could only buy the entire pie or this mega slice !!! The only other alternative was NOT to have any pie at all. And this was not a real alternative for me.


  1. Hold da op, hvor skønt at spise frokost til sådan en udsigt :-)

    Mange hilsner

  2. Hej Birthe !

    Det er en fantatisk udsigt. Man har fornemmelsen af at sidde i puslespil motiv med klokke-klang fra køerne på græsmarkerne.

    Manhe hilsner Kirsten


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