I usually like the various juices with beetroot, which I get in JuiceSelvKassen from Årstiderne. It is amazing to see, the beetroot takes control over the entire colour of the juice as it is juiced into the liquid.
When the beetroot is to the smaller size, the taste of the beetroot will be sweet without the earth notes. Using beetroot having a big size, the juice will earth taste, which I do not like a lot.
DANISH DYNAMITE: - 4 servings
- 1 cucumber
- 500 g carrots
- 80 g mint - only the leaves without stems
- 300 g beetroot
- 4 apples
- 300 g spinach
- Clean and rinse all ingredients.
- Juice everything together.
- Serve in a glass.
- Store the remaining juice cold in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
Et fodboldlandshold bør kunne klare at kvalificere sig til en slutrunde uden hverken play-off kampe eller juice drikke.