
November 07, 2011

Chocolate cake buffet

We were eight out of approx 20 colleagues with Danish, Norwegian, French and Portuguese background, who participated in the our department´s very first ever chocolate cake 2011 competition.

 It was amazing to participate, as you were given the opportunity to taste eight very different types of chocolate cakes having variuos sharpes, texture and sizes. So it was a question about not being to ambitious, and limiting oneself to only take one small piece of each chocolate cake.

Below you can see my plate with my selection of all the different chocolate cakes.

However, my classic chocolate cake did not win me the title of chocolate cake baker/creator 2011. But perhaps it will your win your vote ?

1 comment:

  1. Hej !

    Det var desværre IKKE min kage, som vandt Chokolade Kage Konkurrencen 2011. Og så skal man jo (politisk korrekt) sige: Det handler IKKE om at vinde, men om at VÆRE MED.

    Det passer bare ikke !!!! Kirsten


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