October 07, 2011

Celebrating Hannibal the Cat´s birthday

One month ago I forgot to celebrate Hannibal turning 3 years !!!!

Therefore I decided to make a delayed birthday party for him, as I strongly believe, he will not know the date of his actual birthday ! Or that he actual has a birthday !

To ensure that Hannibal the Cat was home, when his guests arrived this evening, I decided to keep him in-side, when he dropped by to get a little snack this afternoon.

So Hannibal had to "relax", while his "land lady" was busy baking "Sønderjyske festboller" (Southern Jutlandic feast buns) and making birthday cream cake.

When the guests arrived, Hannibal was greeting them on his way out to freedom again.

So Hannibal did not taste his birthday cake, which was quiet colour full :-) The birthday cake contained vanilla cream, banana and blueberries, uhm :-)

I also had to un-pack the birthday gift on his behave. You can his gift both on the top and bottom photo. It is a wonderful portrait of the birthday cat :-)

Thank you very much Karoline and Rie :-))


  1. Heldige kat!! - jeg må hellere holde vores prinsesse væk fra skærmen, for sådan fejrer vi altså ikke hende :-)

    Mange hilsner

  2. Hej Birthe !

    Jeg betragter det som en anledning til at samle nogle mennesker til en dejlig hyggestund.

    Mange hilsner Kirsten


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