March 02, 2019

Suggestions for Shrovetide buns for Shrovetide Sunday

Tomorrow it is Shrovetide Sunday (Fastelavnssøndag) here in Denmark. What does it mean ? It is the peak day for eating Shrovetide buns, until you can not stand the sight of these very rich and fatty buns for another year.

Shrovetide bun are connected with fasting, which starts 49 days before Easter. And when in the fast period you are not supposed to eat meat and wheat flour as well as not drink milk or alcohol. So before the fast started there was big parties, where you would indulge in these foods. Fastelavnssøndag (Shrovetide Sunday) and the following Monday were the last days, where you could eat meat. The following Tuesday was the last day of eating wheat flour, where wheat buns were baked and eaten. This White Tuesday is also known as Pandekagedagen (Pan Cake Day) again relating to the use of wheat flour in pan cakes.

The traditional Danish "fastelavns"/Shrovetide song is like this:

Fastelavn er mit navn                                             Shrovetide is my name
Boller vil jeg have                                                    Buns I would like to have
Hvis jeg ingen boller får                                          If I get no buns
Så laver jeg ballade                                                When I will make trouble

Boller op, boller ned                                               Buns up, buns down
Boller i min mave                                                   Buns in my tummy
Hvis jeg ingen boller får                                         If I get no buns
Så laver jeg ballade                                                When I will make trouble

If you have no clue, what kind of Shrovetide Bun to bake tomorrow, please look below for further inspiration.

And if you want to know that Shrovetide bun, which I am baking tomorrow, when visit my blog again tomorrow afternoon.

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