On this first day of April I have been busy planting potatoes in my "huge" kitchen garden. This part of this sentence is not at all related to April Fool´s day, while the second part describing the size of my garden should be read having April Food´s day in mind !

My "kitchen garden " is made of a selection of various pots (ceramic pot with herbs and plastic pots with potatoes), a
capillary box, two apple trees, one raspberry bush and 4 rhubarb plant in planted in small corner of the garden.
As usual I received a small collection of seed potatoes from a good working colleague, as I am planting potatoes in 6 plastic potatoes pots. If I had to buy my own seed potatoes, when I would not plant potatoes at all, as I only have a need for very little amount of seed potatoes.
This year I receive 2 Sava, 2 Artemis and 2 Ariella potatoes. According to my colleague I should now be able to harvest home-grown potatoes in beginning of June !
While planting the potatoes I also gave a spring clean to the herb pots (cutting dry herb parts and giving new earth to the pots). As over wintering herbs I have garden mint, mint, lemon balm, rosemary and thyme.

While I busy watering the potatoes pots and herb pots Hannibal the Cat took refuge inside in the window looking out to all the many planting pots. Otherwise he had spend most of the time outside in the garden, while I was busy planting and pruning, but water is not a favorite thing for most cats !