This week I have been on a business trip to Paris. As my refrigerator continues to be full of cheese, I decided to focus my shopping to tea and tea ALONE !!!! As I am a big fan of Kusmi tea, it is with big pleasure that I visit a Kusmi tea shop. First of all you can find the entire range of the different Kusmi and not just a selection as here in Denmark. And the second reason is, that you have the reason of buying refills, so the tea as it is in a tea bag without buying yet a metallic tea tin. And third and finally the price level for the Kusmi tea is lower in France compared to Denmark.

On my evening walk I visited the Kusmi tea shop on Avenue des Champs-Élysées. This is very trendy looking shop, light and full of colours from the various metallic tea tins.
It is also possible to smell to the content of all the different teas. However, one thing is to smell to the tea, this does not always give you the actual taste of drinking the tea. Therefore I like it very much, when you are offered to taste a selected tea.
You walk from the street into a back yard, where the shop in located in a corner.
I remember, the first time I went to this shop, where the interior of the shop was dating back to 1930-1940s with it's old fashion wall paper.
So it was a big surprise for me to see, that the interior of this shop was completely changed on the in-side. All the walls are now painted white and the design out-line is updated to the time of today.
Anyway, I found four new teas for my tea cup. The first tea is in the pink tin, which is LØV ROSE being a organic black China tea scented with organic rose blossoms. As you perhaps recall from previous postings, I have something with flower and food !!!
The second tea is Earl Grey Polish blend No 18, which is a blend of China and Ceylon teas with scents of bergamot, lemon and lime. I have something with Earl Grey tea in various formats.
The third tea is a second version of Earl Grey called Troïka, which also is blend of Russian blend

The forth tea is a third version of Earl Grey with flowers.
Finally I found some these paper tea filter for making one cup of tea. The benefit of using the paper filters is, that you do not get any tea fines floating around in your tea cup.