The annual Christmas lunch for "The Wonderful Women" took place yesterday afternoon. However, the year we decided to break with the tradition within both the food and entertainment area !!! Instead of the usual cheese tapas we agreed as a group to try a new "menu" in form of smørrebrød (open Danish sandwiches) from restaurant Remouladen (awarded the best Danish lunch restaurant of 2012), where I also got the food from for my birthday lunch this spring.
As each piece of smørrebrød is relative big, I decided, that two persons easily could share one piece and thereby get the option of tasting various types of smørrebrød. I had ordered the following pieces of smørrebrød:
- Herring from Christiansø served with onions, capers and raw egg yolk (you are asked, when ordering this specific piece of smørrebrød, if you prefer a raw or pasteurised egg yolk, which I find to be very good service)
- Eggs and shrimps
- Fried filet of plaice with remoulade
- Roast beef
- The Vet´s midnight snack = liver paté, salted saveloy, jelly and onions.
- Rib roast with red cabbage
- Sausage of rolled meat with onions
- Chicken salad with bacon
All the pieces of smørrebrød are very nicely decorates with plenty of green stuff such flat-leaf parsley and watercress and chives. And the taste is just excellent. The fried filet of plaice is actually pan-fried instead of being fried in boiling oil like fries.
After the eating of the smørrebrød we got a nice cheese board with some great tasting cheeses of mostly Danish cheeses.
In breaking with tradition on the entertainment side we this year decided to play package game (pakkeleg in Danish), where each person as minimum had brought minimum two gifts. And these gift can be every thing incl. leftovers from Christmas. So where were gifts of an empty Christmas beer bottle, final portion of Christmas tea, leftovers Christmas butter cookies, the ingredients for red cabbage salad or ris a la mande incl the almond gift for this very specific Christmas dessert. We did not play this package game with dice, but a bunch of cards telling how the gift should be moving around on the table. It was great fun :-)

After all the excitement of the package game it was time for the final food point on the menu: Christmas dessert plate made from Christmas ice cream, mince pies and Lønnestræde´s plum in spiced red wine year 2013, uuhhmmm :-)
My fantastic girl friends brought me some very nice hostess gifts in form of red colourful bouquet of flower very Christmas style, Christmas tea, flower shaped pasta, sea salted almonds and two holders for tea lights. Thank you soo much for all your nice gift :-)
As usual all these amazing girl friends are invited again for Christmas lunch next year in 2014 :-) And the missing fifth girl friend made her appearance this year after her long travel around the world, which prevented her from taking part last year.
After all "The Wonderful Women" had left the building/house, Hannibal the Cat decided, that he needed to relax after all this female entertainment/noise, so he took a nap on the dining table :-)
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