November 18, 2018

Quince jam

One of my work colleagues has a neighbor, which has a quince bush in their garden, so my colleague has asked, if she could get some quinces for my jam making. As starting point I have used this recipe on apple jam with vanilla to make this jam from quinces.

The flavour of the quinces is richly perfumed. It is a quiet time consuming exercise to make quince jam, It took me me a little more than 1 hour to prepare the quinces for the cooking part of the process. Afterwards it took close to 2 hours "just" to cook the quince pieces, so they changes colour from yellow to dark orange-red as well became soft enough to mash & blend them. So you need to have plenty of time, when you make quince jam.

Quince jam: - 8 glasses
  • 1.5 kg quinces - washed, cored, peeled and cut into smaller shapes
  • 700 ml water
  • 4 limes - only the juice
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  1. Add water & lime juice into the cooking pan.
  2. Prepare the quinces by washing them, removing both core and peel and finally cutting the apple into small pieces. Place the quince pieces in the liquid in the cooking pan.
  3. Put the cooking pan on the stove, heat up the content, so the quince pieces are simmering. 
  4. Let the quinces simmer until the pieces are tender enough to be masked and blended. This took 2 hours in this case.
  5. Prepare the jam glasses either by heating up in the oven or adding boiling water to them.
  6. Add the sugar into the fruit mass and stir until it is dissolved.
  7. Bring the jam to a rolling boil and boil hard until the setting point is reached. Stir the jam frequently.
  8. Test of set after 5 minutes using the flake test.
  9. When the setting point is reached, remove the pan from the heat and leave it to stand for approx. 3-5 minutes. As the jam settles, push any scums from the surface of the pan to the side and remove it with a metal spoon. 
  10. Gently stir the jam after the resting time and pour it into the prepared glasses, fill the glasses up to the brim. Remove any scum for the surface of the jam using a tea spoon. Close the glass with a lid.
  11. Leave the glass upright and disturbed to cool and set.
  12. Store at ambient temperature.

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