"Rigeligt med smør" quote br. Price translates into "Plenty of butter" OR "I prefer Thise organic butter" quote Hannibal the Cat
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February 17, 2019
Long drink glasses from Spiegelau - kitchen equipment 35
As a member of the Danish supermarket COOP´s locality program you can here in the period October 2018 - February 2019 collect "stamps", which can be used for discount on different glass type and cocktail mixing equipment from Spiegelau.
I have used some "discount stamps" to buy these long drink glasses, so I have something to serve cocktails into after I have been using the mixing jug as well as this cocktail set. The price with "discount stamps" for two cocktail glasses is 50 DKK (6.60 €) instead of 180 DKK (23.80 €).
I have already been using these long drink glasses to serve rose gin tonics in.
February 15, 2019
Raspberry lemonade cocktail
After I my rework of this raspberry-lemon lemonade turning it into raspberry lemonade, I decided to add in some raspberry liqueur to see, if it could balance out the sweetness of this lemonade. The addition of raspberry liqueur did help to balance some of the sweetness. However, I think, that next time I should use sparkling water with lemon taste instead of the raspberry soft drink, as this drink has too much soft drink character over it.
Raspberry lemonade: - 2 drinks
- 60 ml Monin raspberry syrup
- ½ l raspberry soft drink
- 30 ml lemon juice
- 4-5 fresh raspberries
- 6 cl raspberry liqueur
- ice cubes
- Fill all the liquid ingredients into a cocktail mixing jug.
- Stir the drink ingredients together using a cocktail stirrer.
- Add the ice cubes into the gin bowl glasses.
- Divided the content from the mixing jug into two glasses.
- Add in some fresh raspberries for decoration purpose
- Serve and say cheers :-)
February 14, 2019
Valentine Brownie
Today it is Valentine's Day, so here I have been baking some heart shaped brownies with addition of cherry sauce (leftover from Christmas). I added ½ a portion of cherry sauce into the brownie dough, and the other half can even be served as "topping" for the brownie.
It is not only the cherry sauce, which is a Christmas leftover. When I was tempering dark chocolate and yet some more dark chocolate, while I was making Christmas candy back in December, I collected the remaining tempered chocolate in a mixing bowl. Instead of throwing out the chocolate you can just as well use it in a chocolate cake.
You can bake this cake in a bigger baking tray or as I have done in smaller silicone forms. You only have to adjust the baking time according to the size of the applied baking form.
As starting recipe for this brownie I used this recipe on brownie with chili and nuts removing the nuts and chili and adding in cherry sauce instead of combined with a smaller adjustment of the amount of added sugar.
Valentine Brownie: - 1 bigger cake or several smaller cakes
- 250 g butter
- 165 g dark chocolate
- 4 eggs
- 200 g sugar
- 150 g (cake) wheat flour
- 3 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 250 g cherry sauce
- Heat up the oven to 180'C.
- Melt the butter and dark chocolate together in a medium size cooking pot over medium heat.
- Whip the eggs and sugar together to a foamy mass.
- Add in the wheat flour and cocoa powder, and whip until the mass is homogeneous.
- Gently stir the melted butter-chocolate mass into the cake dough.
- Fill the cake dough into various silicone forms.
- Bake the cake at 180'c for 20-25 minutes in the middle of the oven.
- Cool down the cake, before it is served.
February 13, 2019
Suggestions for home-made Valentine gifts for tomorrow
Tomorrow it is Valentine Day, so perhaps you would like to make something special for your very own Valentine ?
Anyway you can be very, very certain, that I have been creative again, so look around again tomorrow where I will be sharing some more Valentine ideas with you.
I have the following suggestions, if you were my Valentine.
Tomorrow it is Valentine Day, so perhaps you would like to make something special for your very own Valentine ?
Anyway you can be very, very certain, that I have been creative again, so look around again tomorrow where I will be sharing some more Valentine ideas with you.
I have the following suggestions, if you were my Valentine.
Anyway you can be very, very certain, that I have been creative again, so look around again tomorrow where I will be sharing some more Valentine ideas with you.
I have the following suggestions, if you were my Valentine.
Tomorrow it is Valentine Day, so perhaps you would like to make something special for your very own Valentine ?
Anyway you can be very, very certain, that I have been creative again, so look around again tomorrow where I will be sharing some more Valentine ideas with you.
I have the following suggestions, if you were my Valentine.

Valentine cookies with pomegranate kernels, white chocolate and rose extract.

Valentine Romance Scones baked in heart shaped form and full of butter, white chocolate and the wonderful Amarena Fabbri cherries
LOVE cupcakes full of yet some more amazing Amarena Fabbri cheeries.
My Valentine cocktail is sparkling tasty combination of rose extract, Cointreau, cranberry juice and sparkling wine for you celebrate your love with.
And as final suggestion thisValentine sparkling cocktail being sparkling wine with rose extract.
February 12, 2019
Kirsten's orange jam

I was lucky with oranges, which I brought, as they did not contains any seeds, so I did not have to spend time om removing these orange seeds, while I was cutting the oranges.
It takes some time to make this jam, as the orange pieces have to soak cold in water for 24 hours, before it turned into jam.
After the soaking of the oranges in water, I decided to taste, how acidic the orange mixture seamed. As I found the mixture not to be acidic enough in taste, I decided to add in a small amount of white wine vinegar to get more acidity. The level of acidity plays a crucial role for the setting of the final jam. If the jam is not acidic enough, the jam will NOT set/make a gelled texture.
As citrus fruit is high in natural pectin it is possible to a gelled jam, if the amount of sugar is high enough (minimum 65% solids combined with low pH, high level of acidity).
I will be selling some of the jam jars at work to my colleagues, as I cannot eat 6-8 glasses of jam within reasonable time. And as usual I will donated the money to charity. From sale of various jams in November and December last year (quince jam, apple jam with vanilla & tomato & chilli jam) it was possible to donate 380 DKK to Julemærkehjemmene.

- 6 organic oranges with thin peel
- 1 l water
- 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar - optional
- 1 kg sugar
- potassium sorbate - optional
- Wash the orange thoroughly.
- Do the cutting of the oranges on a chopping board, so all the orange juice can be collected and used in the jam mixture.
- Cut the oranges into smaller boat shapes. Afterwards slice the oranges "boats" into thin slices. Use a shape knife for all this cutting.
- Remove the orange seeds during the coating process, as they will give more bitterness in the final jam.
- Orange slices and lemon juice in added into a medium-large mixing bowl. Pour the water into the lemon mixture.
- Store the orange mixture cold in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
- Pour the orange mixture into a large cooking pot. Taste for the overall acidity. Adjust with white wine vinegar to get more acidity, as this has an impact on the gelling of the jam.
- Let the orange mixture simmer gentle for 1 hour without the lid on the cooking pot.
- Prepare the jam jars by filling them up with the boiling water.
- If the orange slices appear too thick, you could consider to blend the orange mixture, before the addition of the sugar.
- After 1 hours boiling add in the sugar.
- Bring the orange jam to a rolling boil and boil hard until the setting point is reached. Stir the jam frequently.
- Test of set after 4-5 minutes using the flake test.
- When the setting point is reached, remove the pan from the heat and leave it to stand for approx. 5 minutes. As the jam settles, push any scums from the surface of the pan to the side and remove it with a metal spoon. The purpose for the waiting step is well to build viscosity in jam, so the fruit pieces will be trapped inside the jam inside of be going to the top of jam.
- Gently stir the jam after the resting time and pour it into the prepared glasses, fill the glasses up to the brim. Remove any scum for the surface of the jam using a tea spoon. Close the glass with a lid.
- Leave the glass upright and disturbed to cool and set.
- Store at ambient temperature.
February 10, 2019
Massaman Chicken Curry a la Femina
So what did I serve for my mother for our regular Sunday dinner at my place ? Well, this Sunday it was Massaman Chricken Curry according to the a recipe in the weekly magazine Femina (issue 4/2019).
The changes I made was to use only 400 g chicken breast instead of 500 g kitchen breast, as I could get portions of 400 g kitchen breast in my local supermarket. I also decided to use plain olive oil and plain sugar instead of coconut oil and coconut sugar, as I did not have those ingredients in my kitchen. I cannot see, that to purchase such special ingredients, if you only have to use those for this one dish.
The taste of the final dish is not high in curry strength, which suits my mother excellent, as she is not a fan of spicy food. So if you want more curry flavour, you have to increase the level of curry paste or try another type of curry paste.
Massaman Chichen Curry a al Femina: - 4 servings
- 400 g chicken breast - cut into medium sized squares
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 2 tablespoon of curry paste
- 1 red onion - thinly chopped
- 500 g potatoes - peeled and cut into medium sized squares
- 500 g sweet potato - peeled and cut into medium sized squares
- 400 g coconut cream
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
- 50 g salted peanuts
- rice
- Heat up the oil and curry paste in a medium sized cooking pot.
- Fry the chicken pieces until, they are not raw anymore.
- Add in the chopped red onion and it fry for 1-2 minutes.
- Add in the chopped potatoes and sweet potato and let it fry for 2-3 minutes.
- Add in the coconut cream.
- Place the lid on the cooking pot, and let the dish simmer gently for 15 minutes, until the potatoes are boiled tender.
- Meanwhile cook the rice.
- Season the curry sauce with sugar and fish sauce prior to serving the dish.
- Serve the chicken dish with boiled rice and salted peanuts.
- Enjoy :-)
February 05, 2019
Karen Marie's lemon jam
With the high season of citrus fruit it is time to make various types of citrus jams here in February. I am starting out with a recipe from a good work colleague on lemon jam.
It takes some time to make this jam, as the lemon pieces have to soak cold in water for 24 hours, before it cooked into jam.
As citrus fruit is high in natural pectin it is possible to a gelled jam, if the amount of sugar is high enough (minimum 65% solids combined with low pH, high level of acidity).
I will be selling some of the jam jars at work to my colleagues, as I cannot eat 6-8 glasses of jam within reasonable time. And as usual I will donated the money to charity. From sale of various jams in November and December last year (quince jam, apple jam with vanilla & tomato & chilli jam) it was possible to donate 380 DKK to Julemærkehjemmene.
Karen Marie's lemon jam: - 6-8 glasses.

- 6 organic lemons with thin peel
- 1 l water
- 1 kg sugar
- potassium sorbate - optional
- Wash the lemons thoroughly.
- Do the cutting of the lemon on a chopping board, so all the lemon juice can be collected and used in the jam mixture.
- Cut the lemons into smaller boat shapes. Afterwards slice the lemon "boats" into thin slices.
- Remove the lemon seeds during the coating process, as they will give more bitterness in the final jam.
- Lemon slices and lemon juice in added into a medium mixing bowl. Pour the water into the lemon mixture.
- Store the lemon mixture cold in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
- Pour the lemon mixture into a large cooking pot.
- Let the lemon mixture simmer gentle for 1 hour with lid on the cooking pot.
- Prepare the jam jars by filling them up with the boiling water.
- If the lemon slices appear too thick, you could consider to blend the lemon mixture, before the addition of the sugar.
- After 1 hours boiling add in the sugar.
- Bring the lemon jam to a rolling boil and boil hard until the setting point is reached. Stir the jam frequently.
- Test of set after 4-5 minutes using the flake test.
- When the setting point is reached, remove the pan from the heat and leave it to stand for approx. 5 minutes. As the jam settles, push any scums from the surface of the pan to the side and remove it with a metal spoon. The purpose for the waiting step is well to build viscosity in jam, so the fruit pieces will be trapped inside the jam inside of be going to the top of jam.
- Gently stir the jam after the resting time and pour it into the prepared glasses, fill the glasses up to the brim. Remove any scum for the surface of the jam using a tea spoon. Close the glass with a lid.
- Leave the glass upright and disturbed to cool and set.
- Store at ambient temperature.
February 03, 2019
Pasta with pea and bacon
I have located this recipe on pasta with pea and bacon in the weekly magazine "Søndag" (issue 3/2019), as it is an easy dish to make, I decided to make it and served for my mother for our usual Sunday dinner.
I decided to reduce the bacon amount from 200 g to 150, as the pack of bacon contains 150 g, and I did not want to open another pack of bacon, which perhaps would be soiled, beofre I would the ramaining part of it.
For me this pasta dish have some Spring theme over it.
Pasta with pea and bacon: 2-3 servings
- 250 g pasta
- 300 g peas
- 150 g bacon in squares
- 1 leak - thinly sliced
- 1 dl dairy whipping cream, between 18-38% fat
- 3-4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese - freshly grated
- ½ organic lemon - zest and juice
- Salt & pepper for seasoning
- Parsley & dill- optional
- Start by frying the bacon on a warn frying pan.
- When the bacon is brown and crispy, when add in the sliced leak and let it fry in the fat from the bacon.
- Meanwhile boil the pasta.
- 3 minutes before the pasta is boiled, add in the frozen peas, and boil the pasta and pea for the remaining 3 minutes of the pasta's boiling time.
- after 2-3 minutes frying of the leak on the frying pan, pour in the dairy cream.
- Add in the lemon zest & juice together with the grated Parmesan cheese into the frying pan. Stir well.
- Season with salt & pepper. Add in fresh parsley and dill.
- Drain the pasta and peas from the boiling water.
- Add the pasta & peas into the bacon-leak sauce.
- Serve in bowls.
- Enjoy :-)
February 02, 2019
Rose Gin Tonic
In case you have been holding a "white" January, when it is time to enjoy the week-end with a gin tonic. I got this recipe on a gin tonic, when I recently brought some Fentimans Rose Lemonade. It used to a little bit tricky to but the Fentimans lemonade here in Denmark, you had to buy them on-line, but now I find them in my local supermarket.
Some years ago I have a found a recipe on scones (rose lemonade scones) made with Fentimans Rose Lemonade, where I managed to get my good friends in Horsens to buy this specific lemonade, while they were on vacation in UK.
Well, let's get February going with a gin tonic :-)
Rose Gin Tonic: - 1 drinks
- 6-9 ml Bombay Gin
- 250 ml Fentimans Rose Lemonade
- Slices of lemon
- Ice cubes
- Start by adding the ice cubes into the long drink glass.
- Fill in the gin followed by the rose lemonade
- Add in some slices of lemon
- Enjoy.
February 01, 2019
February - what's up ?
February - what´s up ?
After a month where some people have been doing their best to ride off the extra Christmas calories during a "white" January in it is time again to have some more fun in form of calories from either butter or alcohol or both, not necessarily in combination.
February for me is also really the season for enjoying all different kind of citrus fruits, as they both are in season as well as they can help to keep to the Winter dullness as way.
So here in February I will be making various types of citrus jams in my little kitchen. If you can not wait to see, what kind of citrus jams, which I will be creating, when you can have a look at these jams made from citrus:
February is also the month of Valentines day (14 February), where instead of spending your money on buying flower for your Valentine, you could try out these recipes:
February for me is also really the season for enjoying all different kind of citrus fruits, as they both are in season as well as they can help to keep to the Winter dullness as way.
So here in February I will be making various types of citrus jams in my little kitchen. If you can not wait to see, what kind of citrus jams, which I will be creating, when you can have a look at these jams made from citrus:

February is also the month of Valentines day (14 February), where instead of spending your money on buying flower for your Valentine, you could try out these recipes:

Valentine romance scones
I hope you will look by my kitchen from time to time here in February to see, what I am trying out :-)
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