Today is Lucia day a day of singing girls in white dresses and candlelight in their hands. Besides from the singing and the candles you should also eat Lucia buns (buns with saffron) known as Lussekatte in Sweden, where the day of Lucia is an even bigger event than here in Denmark.
The Danish Lucia song by Alex Garff:Nu bæres lyset frem - Now worn light up
stolt på din krone. - proud of your crown.
Rundt om i hus og hjem - Around the house and home
sangen skal tone. - the song should sound.
Nu på Lucia-dag - Now on Lucia Day
hilser vort vennelag - welcome to our friends
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia. - Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
Her ved vor ønskefest - Here at our desire celebration
sangen skal klinge. - the song to fade.
Gaver til hver en gæst - Gifts for every guest
glad vil du bringe. - glad you bring.
Skænk os af lykkens væld - Grant us the happiness wealth
lige til livets kvæld - right to life eve
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia. - Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia.
As starting recipe for the bun I used this recipe on classic buns, which really have become my favorite bun recipe. Other recipes on Lucia buns could be these saffron buns a la Anne´s Food, Lucia buns, saffron pot buns, Lucia buns year 2017, Lucia buns 2018 & Lucia buns 2019.
How to roll the bun into the right shape you can below on these photos:

Lucia buns: 18-20 buns
- 650 g wheat flour
- 50 g sugar
- 125 g butter - soft
- 25 g fresh yeast
- 1 egg
- 8 g salt
- 0.25 g saffron
- 2½ dl whole fat milk
- egg wash for glazing
- Weigh all the ingredients directly into the mixing bowl of the stand alone mixer. Keep salt & sugar away from the yeast.
- Place the bowl on the stand-alone mixer.
- Start knead the dough at speed 1 for 8 minutes.
- Afterwards increase the speed to 4, knead for 2 minutes. Check the consistency of the dough. If it is not OK, when knead it at speed 4 for another 2 minutes. Again check the consistency. If needed, knead again for 1 minute and when check consistency of the dough.
- Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and place it on the kitchen table sprinkled with flour.
- Let the entire dough raise for approx. 30-40 minutes under a damp cloth.
- When you evaluate, that the dough has raise enough, divide the dough into smaller pieces with a weight of 75 g each.
- Shape the dough pieces into the shape of Lucia bun look at the photos above
- Place the bun pieces on the baking tray covered with baking parchment.
- Let the bun raise for second time for approx 40 minutes under a tea towel.
- Heat up the fan oven to 200'C.
- Bake the bun at 200'C for 15 minutes, turning the baking trays around after 8 minutes to get an even baking.
- Cold down the buns, before serving them with a nice cup of tea/coffee.
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