June 13, 2014

Pickled white asparagus

Asparagus has season until Midsummer, when the plants have to rest and gather new energy for other asparagus for the coming year. So how do you preserver asparagus, well you could freeze them or make pickled asparagus !!!! So you still have about 2 weeks left for pickling your own asparagus :-)

I have found this recipe on pickled asparagus in the weekly magazine "Alt for Damerne", issue 21/2014, which I decided to try out. I made one change to the original recipe, replacing white wine vinegar with apple vinegar with elderflower, as I had apple vinegar in my little kitchen and no white wine vinegar. And I did not want to go to the supermarket to but white wine vinegar with the purpose of only using it in this specific recipe.

Pickled white asparagus can be used in patty shells, asparagus soup and just enjoyed as they are.

Pickled white asparagus:

  • 500 g thin white asparagus
  • 750 g water
  • 75 g apple vinegar or white wine vinegar
  • 5 black pepper corns
  • 10 g honey
  1. Start by adding boiling water to the storage container.
  2. Breaking the asparagus, where it naturally breaks and throw away the ends.
  3. Peel the asparagus, I use a potato peeler for this purpose.
  4. Heat up the remaining ingredients to the boiling point.
  5. Empty the storage container for the hot water.
  6. Place the peeled white asparagus in the container.
  7. Pour the hot marinade over the asparagus.
  8. Close the container and store in the refrigerator.


  1. Just to clarify for pepper .. to leave nothing to chance with this deliciosu Pickled white asparagus .. use aromatic pepper from Cambodia and you will not really disappointed with the result. http://Kampot-Pepper.asia/black


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