April 29, 2021

Hveder 2021


Today Thursday evening is this the evening before Store Bededag (Great Payer Day) (a Danish religious holiday celebrated on the 4th Friday after Easter). And it is the peak evening for enjoying roasted "hveder" - wheat buns with cardamon.

This year I have baked these "hveder" (wheat buns) using this recipe on hveder - wheat buns with cardamom as starting point with addition of freshly grounded cardamom. The second raising phase have also been modified. This year I have added in some more cardamom to have a more rich taste.

"Hveder" (wheat buns) with cardamon:
 - 16-20 buns

  • 650 g wheat flour
  • 50 g sugar
  • 120 g butter
  • 25 g fresh yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 8 g salt
  • 250 g full-fat milk
  • 2 teaspoons cardamom 
  • 1 egg - optional for glazing of the bun surface
  1. Weigh all the ingredients directly into the mixing bowl of the stand alone mixer. Keep salt & sugar away from the yeast.
  2. Place the bowl on the stand-alone mixer.
  3. Start knead the dough at speed 1 for 8 minutes.
  4. Afterwards increase the speed to 4, knead for 2 minutes. Check the consistency of the dough. If it is not OK, when knead it at speed 4 for another 2 minutes. Again check the consistency. If needed, knead again for 1 minute and when check consistency of the dough.
  5. Cover the dough in the mixing bowl with a damp tea towel.
  6. Let the entire dough raise for approx 30-40 minutes under a damp cloth.
  7. When you evaluate, that the dough has raise enough, divide the dough into smaller pieces with a weight of 80 g each.
  8. Shape the dough pieces into bun shapes. Place the bun pieces relative close in pans covered with baking parchment. 
  9. Place the pans with bun dough in the oven (fan oven at 35-40'C). 
  10. Let the bun raise for second time for approx. 40 minutes inside the oven.
  11. Heat up the fan oven to 180'C.
  12. Bake the bun at 180'C for 20-25 minutes.
  13. Serve the buns warm with butter. Or slice them into 2 and roast the buns in the fan oven at 200C until light brown in the colour.

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