The traditional Danish "fastelavns"/Shrovetide song is like this:
Fastelavn er mit navn Shrovetide is my name
Boller vil jeg have Buns I would like to have
Hvis jeg ingen boller får If I get no buns
Så laver jeg ballade When I will make trouble
Boller op, boller ned Buns up, buns down
Boller i min mave Buns in my tummy
Hvis jeg ingen boller får If I get no buns
Så laver jeg ballade When I will make trouble
So in order to celebrate this song, I have been baking fastlavnsboller this afternoon with a marzipan filling. The filling could also have been jam or a vanilla cream. However, my preference is marzipan filling.
Fastelavnsboller - Shrovetide buns with marzipan filling - 15 buns:
Bun dough:
- 50 g yeast
- 150 g milk
- 500 g wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon cardamon - could be left out
- 1 tablespoon home-made vanilla sugar otherwise 1 teaspoon commercial vanilla sugar
- 150 g butter
- 1 egg
- 1 egg
- 150 g sugar
- 150 g marzipan
- orange peel from ½ orange - could be left out
- Add the yeast to finger warm milk.
- Mix wheat flour with cardamon and vanilla sugar.
- Crumble the butter into the flour
- Add egg and the yeast-milk mix
- Knead the dough together
- Let the raise for 30-60 minutes or the night over (when use 10 g yeast instead of)
- Mix egg, sugar, marzipan and orange peel together to a homogenous mass.
- Rull the dough into a square of 50 x 30 cm
- Cut the the dough into sqaures of 10 x 10 cm
- Add the marzipan filling into the middle of the dough square
- Fold the dough together around the filling - fold it close together
- Place the bun up-side-down on the baking plate
- Raise the buns for another 30 minutes
- Glaze the buns with a whipped egg
- Bake at 220*C for 15 minutes in the middle of the oven
- Cool down the buns before decoration with chocolate or sugar glazings

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